This week on XBLA, the much anticipated Sega Rally Online Arcade finally releases at 800MS points. The game includes time trials, single races, championship events and both online and local multiplayer modes. It's also compatible Wireless Xbox 360 Racing Wheel, and Logitech Driving Force Wheels.
In the past week, there has also been many DLC additions to quite a few XBLA titles. Here is a rundown on what games received new content.
Ancients of Ooga released "The Forgotten Chapters" for 160MS points. "The Forgotten Chapters" contains 7 new levels and 3 new achievements for 50 gamerscore.
Pinball FX2 received a new Fantastic Four Table and it sells for 240MS points.
Strania released the Side Vower Campaign for 400MS points. This campaign plays from the perspective of the Vower and contains 6-7 new levels depending on what difficulty you play on. The Side Vower pack also contains 3 new achievements for 50 gamerscore.
Trouble Witches Neo released a new DLC character named Luca. She sells for 160MS points and she is fairly overpowered when compared to the original characters. If you were having difficulty unlocking a few of the harder achievements, you may want to consider unlocking Luca to make things a little easier.
Moon Diver released a new DLC pack called Chain Kill Mode: Bloodbath for FREE. The DLC pack contains one new map.